
Post Of The Day

+38 turkey bacon is better than regular bacon, amirite?

by Extreme-Candidate-62 1 day ago

+7 Bikinis were named after the Bikini Atoll, the site of atomic bomb tests in 1946, amirite?

by Janet86 1 minute ago

+1 Women aren't happier being single than men as the studies claim. They're never truly single to begin with, amirite?

by Emotional_Chart 1 minute ago

+6 Angelina Jolie is not great actress or anything, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 minute ago

+4 People that scam the elderly deserve the death penalty. amirite?

by Alarmed-Throat 12 minutes ago

+4 Your plastic surgery isn't fair to your kids, amirite?

by Gus55 33 minutes ago

-4 Scores in critic reviews, amirite?

by Anonymous 33 minutes ago

+9 Evolution has come so far that it's created beings who argue over it's existence. amirite?

by Anonymous 40 minutes ago

-7 You don't need to lift your hand to knock a door, amirite?

by NetPsychological7381 40 minutes ago

+24 One of the biggest dangers of Antarctica, a land comprised nearly entirely of freshwater, is dehydration, amirite?

by Nearby_Perspective66 1 hour ago

-5 Avacados are disgusting, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago