
Post Of The Day

+30 There may be a spieces around that is far better at camouflage than chameleons. amirite?

by Janessa12 1 day ago

-2 Cyberpunk2077 is the best game (from a design perspective) to have ever been created, amirite?

by goldneranika 14 minutes ago

+6 I find the whole trend of randomly gesturing along with a background sound, while captioning, EXTREMELY CRINGY. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 minutes ago

-1 People who try to be funny but just can't or aren't are too strongly maligned considering their efforts are well-intended for the most part, ‘how's the nerve on that guy, trying ‘unsuccessfully' to splice some impromptu mirth or joy into our day?' *tutts*, amirite?

by OkIllustrator 14 minutes ago

+8 Now manual focus is just a fetish. amirite?

by Ok-Antelope3465 14 minutes ago

+11 Trains are adult roller-coasters, amirite?

by Scared_Educator_1238 1 hour ago

+9 If mansplaining exists so does womansplaining, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+6 People that try not to be mainstream often don't realize they're the close minded ones, amirite?

by Kohlerkellie 1 hour ago

+11 Old people are so much easier and more fun to talk to than people my own age. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+15 Most people who are against marijuana use have never tried it, amirite?

by horaciozboncak 2 hours ago

-6 English food is actually good, amirite?

by Pleasant_File 2 hours ago